Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My room with a view...

Stray Cat View.
For two days it has been snowing where I live. I stare out the window and enjoy the view.

It seems to be windy and chilly, and I am not begging to go out there…

In a couple of weeks, it will be 10 years since I found Mamma.

10 years.  For about 8 months (or it coulda been a year, I am not sure about the timing), I was a street cat before she let me in to her warm farmhouse. I am very blessed.

My breed on average lives 12-15 years, I do not know if that is because of heart conditions (typical ailment of my kind) – as that seems very young to me.  We are meant to endure weather conditions, but it sounds like not for very long.  Sad to know it is imminent.  I think of Nonno Tony – my mamma’s father.  He is 74 years old, and still so active and energetic.   He too has a sickness, and it doesn’t let him down, it doesn’t stop him from working every day as a carpenter – he enjoys it.  He is my inspiration to take my medicines, to exercise daily a little, and to make sure my mamma is happy.

For example: I jump on her head in the early morning and wake her.  I lick her forehead if she doesn’t fully wake upon my jump.  She says “no” and “stop” but always follows both words with loving pets, so I continue to lick her and paw her hair until she says, “no” and “stop” again so that I can get a few minutes of those fabulous pets before she falls back to sleep.  If I feel restless, even if it is 4:30 or so in the morning, I pat her head again with my paw, and if that doesn’t stir her from her slumber, I will lick her forehead again, or move down to her cheek… it is a routine I repeat until I can get into my little nook to be held like a human baby and be pet until she gets out of bed to feed me…

I know this morning ritual makes her very happy.

I do not mind when it snows, it forces her to stay home, and that makes me very happy.

A little robin outside my window.