Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Friendliest Cat Breeds, etc. etc.

SO. My ma called Tabby's Place, and the kitten with ma's anglicized name has already been adopted. Guess she waited too long.

Guess it is a sign, it is not time yet.

Then, she read this article on Catster about the "Friendliest Cat Breeds".  Is tuxedo a breed? Because my kind is not on the list. Humph!

I think ma said tuxedo cats aren't a breed in our own right, but just categorized by our bi-color markings. We are smart, I say, instead of friendly. However, I don't think they call us bicolor as a breed, either. Hmmm... may have to ask ma to research this for me so I can write to you all about it more intelligently. Still say I am a tuxedo breed, but, can you guess which breed is on Catster's list?

My brother, Stray Cat's, of course.

Do I even have to mention that tomorrow is 8 months since he left us here on earth to grieve? Probably not, Readers, you probably knew already.

Fall is in the air here, where we live, and that means extra cuddles (in my case, this just means sleeping/resting closely. MOL!) and comfy blankets to push out the cold. We are pushing though...❤

I used to be a little sister once... I will never forget those cuddles, too.
Photo taken September 28, 2017, NJ.
Proof that I can cuddle when I want to - circa 2010, in Florida.

Purr & Paw,


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Are we ready yet?

My ma went to visit Pixie again at Tabby's Place. She absolutely loves that little girl.  She came home smelling like 86 different cats, and I kept crying for her attention all night long.

Here are her photos from her visit: 

On her way home, ma stopped at the September 11th memorial in town and saw this beautiful memory rock. 
And when she pulled into the driveway of our home, she was greeted by a gladiolus which must have been planted by a bird - - - she and I both think the stone and the flower are signs from heaven.

Is it time yet? Are we ready? No amount of time erases the memory of Stray Cat, but are we ready to give a different cat a new home and a healthy, happy, loving new life?

Mamma went on Tabby's Place's website to review the kitties and cats who are available there for adoption. Interestingly enough, there were quite a few she did not meet or see during her visit that day.  One of which was named "Suzy" - a childhood nicname of my ma's.  Was this yet another sign?

Should we call and see if Suzy is still available for adoption? Are we ready?

I was found by ma's friend in a parking lot of a mall in Florida.

Stray Cat found ma - and chose her.

Kismet was found by ma's friend.

Cleo was a stray that chose her too.

So.  Will there be a message from heaven, a kitty that will just show up at our door? Or will we have to go out and find our next kitty?

Is it time? Are we ready yet?

Thank you for reading, and let us know what you think - how did you know when it was time?

We are acting like a little kid in the backseat taking a road trip with his parents, repeatedly asking, "Are we there yet?".

Purr & Paw,

Monday, September 10, 2018

I find places to sit, and I always fit. :)

I am a little kitty.
And my mamma has this cute box for toys.
I can fit in it. Because I am a little kitty. 

See how cute I am? 

I took a road trip recently.
I followed ma into the bathroom.
There was tub I had never seen before.
I fit there as well. 
See how cute I am?

My mamma left the linen closet door open.
This is a place I have never been.
It has only been a year since we moved in.
And so I jumped up, and I was happy to find I fit.
So. There I sit. 

See how cute I am?

Where is your kitty's favorite place to squeeze in?

Purr & Paw,

Monday, September 3, 2018

My mamma's birthday!

No, I didn't model for this greeting card, but I could've! 
Mamma celebrated her birthday, and she took me with her down the shore. It was my very first time there and I was very well behaved. I enjoyed the ocean air and all of the sights I could see out of the sliding glass doors.  It was a good weekend away, and I am so blessed to celebrate with my ma.
My first time down the shore to celebrate mamma's birthday!

Shhhh... don't tell Nonno Tony I am on his very favorite chair.

On her birthday morning, she asked for a sign from my brother, Stray Cat, and he gave her this really beautiful one on her birthday: 

This made her very happy. 

I love my mamma, and I like it when she smiles.  Here's to another year ahead hopefully filled with smiles and love. 

Purr & Paw,