Monday, December 31, 2018

Bring on 2019

It is with great anticipation that we look forward to 2019.
In our hearts, are beautiful memories of the arrival of Kismet on this very day back in 1994, and of last year's celebration, our last New Year with our beautiful Stray Cat, who passed away 26 days later.

We look forward to 2019, which we are optimistic that it will be filled with a lot of laughs.

We wish all of you a safe, healthy, and happy 2019. May joy always keep your heart afloat!
I am still not totally sure about this kitten.

Pasqua Scheggiare getting bigger each day.

Loving his own bedroom - and the peace it provides him without me lurking about!

Cuteness overload! 
“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier’…” ― Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Purr & Paw, 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

2018 began sadly, let it end with hope...

Dear Faithful Readers,
As you know, mamma and I had a terrible start to 2018 with the tragic passing of my big brother, Stray Cat. You may have also noticed in our posts since his death, that mamma and I have been very sad and have been grieving - and are still grieving.
Helen Keller was quoted as saying once, "What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us."
We believe this, and we carry Stray Cat with us each day, in our hearts. We keep his memory alive through photos, and we talk about him daily. 
When we first lose a loved one, we think we can never get out of the sorrow or the guilt, that we could never find our way out of it... and in some ways, it is true, there never is a better place - just a different place. Our hearts are badly broken, and the bad news is we will never get over the loss of our beloved - - oddly, this is also the good news - - because we don't want to. 

In our loss, we realize there are many kittens and cats needing safe, healthy, happy homes. They need love and have love to give. Unsure if our hearts were ready to handle a future loss, we decided to begin fostering a two month old kitten.

May we introduce to you Pasqua (Easter) Scheggiare (Chip), born on September 17, 2018. Our foster adventure began the day before Thanksgiving. Weighing under two pounds, this little fuzz ball entered our home with energy, love, and extreme playfulness.

First day on the scene. ❤

Totally unsure if I want the company after complaining for months I needed it. 😹

This week, mamma signed the paperwork to officially adopt this little kitten. As we prepare to say "bye" to 2018, we will not forget all we went through to get to the end of this year. It is with hopeful hearts that we end this year and pray for a happier 2019 ahead.

Wishing all of our readers a beautiful and peace filled holiday season. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.  🎄

Purr & Paw,

"I know a cat named Easter he says, 'Will you ever learn? You're just an empty cage girl, if you kill the bird.'"- Tori Amos.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Happy You're Ours Day, Stivali!

Yesterday marked eight years since I arrived on the scene and met Stray Cat and my mamma. 

I like to rest a lot.

If you never read my story, Dear Readers, you can here: Stivali's Story
My best Taylor Swift pose: "Girl at home"!
I am very grateful that mamma decided to keep me. I know I am not the most affectionate cat she has cared for, but I do love her very much and appreciate all the food, treats, warm blankets, and affection she gives to me. 💘💘

This December, tell your loved ones you love them. Give with a grateful heart that you are able. Provide for those who need you (if you are looking for a charity, we highly recommend giving warmth to homeless pets at St Hubert's, Tabby's Place, and North Shore Animal League - and if you don't have a pet to honor in your contribution, please consider honoring our beloved Stray Cat. Thank you!). 

Stay Warm,

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Bye Bye November!

Hello Dear Readers,
I am settling in to the winter darkness - where the days are short, and my stomach gets bigger.
It is easier living in the Northeast than down south where I was born.
While living in Florida, I always had to be in tip-top shape - not because I am vain. It was so hot, I did not want all that extra fluff.
Now, it is needed - it helps keep me warm.
Ma keeps the house a little on the chilly side, and I think I know why. She thinks I am more inclined to snuggle at night with her, and she is on Cloud 9 with the sweet quality time.

Don't tell her, but I don't need the house so chilly just to snuggle up with her.

Our secrets are safe here,

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Imitating is My New Job! :)

Tell me this is not purrfect.
I think even Miley Cyrus would agree.

This thanksgiving week, I am thankful for you, Dear Readers, and I am thankful for my mamma, my big brother Stray Cat, food, bed, my home, and all of my toys. I am also thankful for my aunts and nonno who try to love me (but I hiss or hide) and my sweet nonna who comes to feed me and visit with me while my ma is out for too long. I have a lot to be thankful for. Including my new job, that I think I am very talented in - imitating beautiful famous people and the poses they do. 

What are you thankful for?

My ma lives her life in a constant state of prayer and gratitude. I want to be just like her. 💗

Purr & Paw, 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Happy November!

Hello Friends, It is getting chilly where we live, and I look for a nice blanket to crawl under each day! I sleep a lot! Winter is coming!

I decided, I could make a living impersonating famous people. Here is my best Madonna imitation. What do you think?

My mamma wento New Orleans and saw this cute cat, she missed me a lot while she was away: 

She also considered purchasing this t-shirt. She missed me a lot, apparently: 

Instead of buying a cat t-shirt there, she decided to design one for her children's book, SuperCat. If you are interested in purchasing her design, it is available through Teespring:
SuperCat Kismet Teespring Link

Thank you, Readers, for your support.  Let me know what you think of my impersonation skills. This may be my new gig. 😺

Purr & Paw,

Sunday, October 28, 2018

National Cat Day!

Did you know October 29 is considered National Cat Day in the United States?
Learn more here: National Cat Day Here are their Top 20 Ways to Celebrate!

Also, mamma found this very cool carrier for future travels with me - it looks pretty awesome. What do you think? Sleepypod

Looks cool, right?

I promised to give you a review of Jackson Galaxy's Obsession Solution, well, mamma's been putting it on me every day for a few weeks now, and I am happy to report that I am snuggling with mamma on the sofa when she is watching television or working, and I have even been sleeping through the night next to her - which is not my normal routine. Is this because of Obsession Solution, or is it just cold in the house? Haha! I am not sure. I also have not been over-grooming my front legs, so my fur is growing back. Is that because of Obsession Solution? Mamma and I would like to think so.

We give Jackson Galaxy four paws up!

Friendly Reminder: Bring your outdoor kitties INSIDE for Halloween Eve and Halloween Night - there are a lot of mean people out there. Keep your kitties safe, and consider keeping them INSIDE at all times, it's better for all of us. <3

Purr & Paw,

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Who is St Francis of Assisi?

A long long long time ago, in my mamma's homeland of Italia, a man named Giovanni was born. I am talking, way longer than the births of Nonno Tony and Nonna Toni - like hundreds of years earlier.  Giovanni was born in Assisi, which is like, 5 - maybe 5 and a half hours away from where my nonni were born. ANYHOW, I digress...

This man, Giovanni, was a charismatic leader of an evangelical movement, he really liked helping the poor, and he had an affinity for animals. It was actually well-known that he would preach to animals. Isn't that adorable? 

If I lived in Italia in the 1100's, I would have liked to hear his sermons for sure! 

I don't have enough time tonight to tell you all about Giovanni's adventures in Assisi, but what I will tell you is that this lovely man's name was changed to Francesco (the same name as my bisnonno (great grandfather's)), and was canonized a saint a mere two years after he died. 

Much later, he became the patron saint of Italia, as well as the patron saint of ecology and animals. His "feast" day is October 04 (mamma's is August 15, if anyone was curious!). It is on this day we celebrate his love for all creations (poor, rich, furry, or human)! 

Because St Francis of Assisi cared for all of the animals, my mamma's church has a beautiful ceremony for animals to honor his feast day. I have been to many of these blessing ceremonies, they are wonderful. This year, the church held the celebration on October 07, and this is the first year I went without my big brother. ☹

The weather was cloudy and kind of muggy.  There were lots of dogs there this year, and mamma kept me in my cage-house. I felt safe, but still a little leery. I was one of three cats - the best looking, mind you. There was an older female, blind, pretty tortoise shell, being held lovingly by her mother. There was a gorgeous tiger striped boy cat, big, inside a duffle bag carrier. We three quietly listened to Father Richard say many beautiful prayers over all of us animals. The dogs were mostly restless, they barked, smelled one another - essentially, dogs - a very noisy bunch. I looked back and forth to my feline companions and felt such pride in our excellent behavior.

It was a very nice celebration. I found solace at church. Father Richard was very sweet to all of us and sprinkled holy water on each of our heads before saying "Bye".  It was a good day. 
The gathering for the Blessing of Animals.

Me, being a good kitty.
Father Richard praying over us.
Don't forget to say a prayer for me and all of the animals (I promise I am praying for all of you!). Thank you!

Purr & Paw,

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ma's Still Trying to Video Tape Me Talking to Her...

So, my ma and I do this adorable (to us) back and forth where I "meow" after she tells me she loves me. It is a daily occurrence and it is precious.
Every time she tries to record me, I get shy and stop talking back to her.
She almost caught it on video but of course, she hates how high her voice gets when she speaks to me so won't share it here. She is so silly! I know she will keep trying to get me meowing on video so we can share it here.

Anyway, since she hasn't perfected getting me on tape, I decided to share an old video of my big brother being cute. Well, he was always cute. Every. Single. Day.
Being adorable is my job around here.
My ma bought today a bottle of Jackson Galaxy Obsession Solution for me in hopes that it will reduce my anxiety as I started excessively grooming one of my front legs and now have a bald spot. ☹ I will keep you posted if it makes a difference in my behavior. I don't know why I do these things!!

Have a peace filled week, Readers.

Purr & Paw,

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Friendliest Cat Breeds, etc. etc.

SO. My ma called Tabby's Place, and the kitten with ma's anglicized name has already been adopted. Guess she waited too long.

Guess it is a sign, it is not time yet.

Then, she read this article on Catster about the "Friendliest Cat Breeds".  Is tuxedo a breed? Because my kind is not on the list. Humph!

I think ma said tuxedo cats aren't a breed in our own right, but just categorized by our bi-color markings. We are smart, I say, instead of friendly. However, I don't think they call us bicolor as a breed, either. Hmmm... may have to ask ma to research this for me so I can write to you all about it more intelligently. Still say I am a tuxedo breed, but, can you guess which breed is on Catster's list?

My brother, Stray Cat's, of course.

Do I even have to mention that tomorrow is 8 months since he left us here on earth to grieve? Probably not, Readers, you probably knew already.

Fall is in the air here, where we live, and that means extra cuddles (in my case, this just means sleeping/resting closely. MOL!) and comfy blankets to push out the cold. We are pushing though...❤

I used to be a little sister once... I will never forget those cuddles, too.
Photo taken September 28, 2017, NJ.
Proof that I can cuddle when I want to - circa 2010, in Florida.

Purr & Paw,


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Are we ready yet?

My ma went to visit Pixie again at Tabby's Place. She absolutely loves that little girl.  She came home smelling like 86 different cats, and I kept crying for her attention all night long.

Here are her photos from her visit: 

On her way home, ma stopped at the September 11th memorial in town and saw this beautiful memory rock. 
And when she pulled into the driveway of our home, she was greeted by a gladiolus which must have been planted by a bird - - - she and I both think the stone and the flower are signs from heaven.

Is it time yet? Are we ready? No amount of time erases the memory of Stray Cat, but are we ready to give a different cat a new home and a healthy, happy, loving new life?

Mamma went on Tabby's Place's website to review the kitties and cats who are available there for adoption. Interestingly enough, there were quite a few she did not meet or see during her visit that day.  One of which was named "Suzy" - a childhood nicname of my ma's.  Was this yet another sign?

Should we call and see if Suzy is still available for adoption? Are we ready?

I was found by ma's friend in a parking lot of a mall in Florida.

Stray Cat found ma - and chose her.

Kismet was found by ma's friend.

Cleo was a stray that chose her too.

So.  Will there be a message from heaven, a kitty that will just show up at our door? Or will we have to go out and find our next kitty?

Is it time? Are we ready yet?

Thank you for reading, and let us know what you think - how did you know when it was time?

We are acting like a little kid in the backseat taking a road trip with his parents, repeatedly asking, "Are we there yet?".

Purr & Paw,

Monday, September 10, 2018

I find places to sit, and I always fit. :)

I am a little kitty.
And my mamma has this cute box for toys.
I can fit in it. Because I am a little kitty. 

See how cute I am? 

I took a road trip recently.
I followed ma into the bathroom.
There was tub I had never seen before.
I fit there as well. 
See how cute I am?

My mamma left the linen closet door open.
This is a place I have never been.
It has only been a year since we moved in.
And so I jumped up, and I was happy to find I fit.
So. There I sit. 

See how cute I am?

Where is your kitty's favorite place to squeeze in?

Purr & Paw,

Monday, September 3, 2018

My mamma's birthday!

No, I didn't model for this greeting card, but I could've! 
Mamma celebrated her birthday, and she took me with her down the shore. It was my very first time there and I was very well behaved. I enjoyed the ocean air and all of the sights I could see out of the sliding glass doors.  It was a good weekend away, and I am so blessed to celebrate with my ma.
My first time down the shore to celebrate mamma's birthday!

Shhhh... don't tell Nonno Tony I am on his very favorite chair.

On her birthday morning, she asked for a sign from my brother, Stray Cat, and he gave her this really beautiful one on her birthday: 

This made her very happy. 

I love my mamma, and I like it when she smiles.  Here's to another year ahead hopefully filled with smiles and love. 

Purr & Paw,

Sunday, August 26, 2018

7 months feels like a lifetime...

Mamma and I do not like knowing how much time has passed since my big brother died.
The 10-15 minutes before his death were traumatic and Mamma replays it over and over in her mind and it is debilitating.
I am trying to be more fun for her so she is not so sad.
I still don't like being held, which I know is hard for her since she was accustomed to how much my big brother liked being carried around in her arms.
Do you know he died in her arms? That was his favorite place to be.
I hope she realizes that and finds comfort in knowing he would not have wanted it any other way.
She is sad because she felt numb as he was crossing. She wasn't even petting him and was only holding him - both motionless. 
A sadness she cannot get out of her mind. 

Today is August 26. Marking 7 months. We have now been living in our new home longer than Stray Cat was alive in it. That feels depressing.

It is a warm summer day, we have the windows open and doors open; screens allow me to breathe in fresh air.  I smell lotsa smells from outside.  Smells I know Stray Cat would lift his little nose to. We are sad that he is not here to enjoy the new town, the new house, and all it has to offer us on such a warm summer day.

We wonder if he can see us from heaven. If he knows how sad we are without him here. We wonder if he realizes how much we love him still and how much we ache in his absence.  He provided both of us such joy. He was such a funny affectionate loving cat.  We miss him. We hope he knows how much we love him - and pray he realized it when he was here with us. 

I try to make mamma laugh. I bring her Verdi daily.  I hide under Stray Cat's blanket on his favorite orange chair. I try to do silly things so I can hear her laughing.  I do not cuddle with her, but I do sit near her every day.  I even go to bed next to her although I won't touch her.  Hopefully, she knows I love her, and this is how I show it. 
Where's Stivali? 

There she is! 

I am a good hider.

Cute old photo of my big brother, Stray Cat.

This is me and my big brother when I first moved in with them back in 2010.
There's a really beautiful song our friend, Lynda, told us about. It helps.  Here are some of the lyrics... and a YouTube video so you can hear it if you wanna: YouTube video

"Honey, I thought you should know, that I'm in a hurry. I've got to move up north, but it's just temporary. I really tried not to lie. But this burdens getting heavy. No, you can't come with me this time, you got your own destiny.

But Heaven's not too far away, I know someday you'll visit. And I didn't think I'd go this way, can I please have one more minute? No honey, I don't want to go, please know that I have to. I think it's time I go home. 

Yes, I can still hear your voice. Sounds just like it did. And I can still feel your hand
When it touches my skin."

Hug the ones you love tightly.

Purr & Paw,

Saturday, August 18, 2018

It did not feel like summer this year.

This summer went very fast.
It rained a lot so it wasn't a very nice summer.
Mamma and I were sad without Stray Cat, and rain doesn't help us very much.

One thing that helps me is Verdi. Who I wrote about previously.

Mamma tries to record me often. And I do not cooperate. I stop doing whatever she wants to record as soon as I catch her recording me. I am sneaky like that.

This is the best she can get:
Verdi & Stivali Clip

Enjoy the rest of your summer, Readers.
Purr and Paw,

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Two Gingers in Heaven

Today marks nine years since this beauty, Kismet, went to heaven.  I never got to meet him.  Obviously, if you can do math, you know why, I am only 7.5 years old (I think).
Anyway, "King Kismet" was his nic-name, and that is why when Stray Cat came around, Stray Cat became a Prince.  Here they are eating next to one another in Ocala, Florida. ❤ 
Now, they are together in Heaven. 

The below picture is from their first day in Ocala, Florida - June 06, 2008.  They were exhausted.  Mamma tells the story of that road trip on occasion.  I don't think I would have liked it very much. 
Today, Mamma lit a candle in honor of two gingers in Heaven.  

She cried, and I let her hold me.  Hug your loved ones tightly.

Purr & Paw,

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Six Month Mark

Today marks six months since my big brother, Stray Cat, wento visit Kismet and Zoe in Heaven with plans to never come back.
My ma and I have been extremely sad. And ma has been buying things to keep him close to her heart. See evidence below: 
I do believe she considers me a non-human person.
I never knew life without my brother.  I was born and he was already here.  I did not realize I would have to know life without him.  It kinda sucks learning and living in this new life.  No matter the time that passes, it doesn't really get better. I hate how we make notice of the calendar and of how many days, weeks, and months have passed.  Today is six months, and it is pretty awful. I wish we weren't paying attention to the days without him - but it is so hard not to. I miss my brother.  We used to nap together, a lot. Some times right up against each other, but more often like this:
Readers, do you see me? 

Even though ma and I saw this coming, it did not prepare us for the pain which would follow.  We are still sad. We talk about him like he is still here, and he is still here - in our hearts.

You may already realize, I am not much of a cuddler. Okay, fine, I am NOT a cuddler.  I know ma would love it if I would wake her like this  (see below photos), but it is just not my personality.  I am way more of an independent-want my space-type of cat. Maybe one day I would do this for her, but if we are really honest here,  since my paws would not be the same as Stray Cat's fuzzy paws, it won't ever be done. *Sorry, Mamma! 🙀

Ma would be so embarrassed if she knew I posted this pic.🐱

Well, Big Brother, if you have a web browser and internet access up there, I hope you are reading this and okay with me taking over your blog. Give St Francis a hug from me. We miss you a lot.  Life won't ever be the same without you here in it.  

Purr & Paw,
-I was a little sister once.