Sunday, March 17, 2019

Pasqua is Six Months Old Today!

Happy St Patrick's Day, Readers!

We are celebrating all day long. Not just for St Patrick, the sheep herder, and patron saint of Ireland (although, he wasn't actually Irish! Interesting fun-fact!), we celebrate also today because Pasqua is now six months old!
Did you know that St Patrick's real name is believed to be Maewyn Succat, but when he became a priest he changed his name to Patrick? Look at his real name, though: Succat. Isn't that something?
Another coincidence we take note of today: when Italian-American males are named Pasqua or Pasquale, their nickname very commonly is Pat. These coincidences on the day we celebrate St Patrick and our little Pasqua Scheggiare are not accidents, and we believe they are signals from God to remind us that we are truly blessed.

At six months old, these are some of Pasqua's favorite things:
  • treats
  • my food (he prefers it over his kitten food!)
  • a little grey mouse we named Grigio (not to be confused with my beloved Verdi)
  • napping/sleeping
  • playing peek-a-boo and fetch
  • cuddling with mamma
  • hiding with me when visitors come over (I am teaching him this habit to our mom's disappointment)
  • sun puddling
  • looking out the windows and glass doors
  • hanging out with mamma when she works from home
And some of our favorite photos:
They named him "Chip" at the Cat Sanctuary where we adopted him from.

It is not safe to refill my food container in Pasqua's presence.

Playing fetch (Grigio is in Pasqua's mouth).

Enjoying the view from the sun room.

He sleeps a lot in the most adorable poses. Example 1.

Example 2 - how is that even comfortable?

Six month portrait.  Getting so big!
I offer this Irish Blessing for all of you: "May you have love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you!"

Purr & Paw,