Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Closing out our first May with Pasqua Scheggiare!

We are in disbelief that the month of May is coming to a close this week! 

We had a very relaxing weekend, and are getting along splendidly. I am very patient with all of little Pasqua's antics.  Mamma is quite amused with all of his silly behavior, but sometimes his kitty love bites can be a little much for both of us. Mamma does a very good job of distracting him with toys to bite instead of her hands, but on occasion, he will bite her ankle as she walks by, or try to bite my neck when I am near him. Hmmm... It was as if the Catster writers heard our concerns, because this week, they featured an article on this very topic. If you have kitties that bite, you may want to read this article to consider the different causes of this behavior: Why Do Cats Bite?

While you are on their site, don't forget to vote for Pasqua - only three days left to vote (you can vote every 24 hours!) in the Purrrific Photo Contest. Thank you. 

All the running around and playing together can be quite exhausting. I think I have lost some weight, don't we both look slim, trim, and magnificent? 😻

We were happy Mamma had a day off  from work yesterday, but when she explained why, it made us sad. The last Monday in May is a day of observance for those who died in active military service. On this day we are to reflect, remember, honor, and pray for these souls and their families.  For their bravery and sacrifice should never be forgotten.

Please take a moment of silence in gratitude for our fallen heroes, as it is so important for us as Americans to take time to remember the sacrifices that bought us our freedom. 

Hug your family and friends tightly!

Purr & Paw,

“Today is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It's a day of thanks for the valor of others, a day to remember the splendor of America and those of her children who rest in this [Arlington] cemetery and others." - President Ronald Reagan.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May days

Hello Readers, how was your weekend? 😼

We had a nice weekend here - mamma worked on Stray Cat's memorial garden.  Pasqua and I watched her work outside through the screen window.

I just adore sun puddles.
She has yet to capture Chip's Chirp very well, but she is trying. Be sure to check out all of her videos of us on her YouTube channel.

The voting for the New Jersey Monthly Cutest Cat contest has officially ended, and we are hopeful we will hear good news next month about it. If you decided to vote for our little boy, we thank you!

Voting is still open for the Catster Contest and every vote counts - we appreciate your support! ❤

I do think he is the cutest cat in NJ. Hope y'all agree.
Cannot believe May is coming quickly to a close. How quick the time passes.

We hope you all are enjoying beautiful weather and are able to get out in it. ☀

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

May, more than any other month of the year, wants us to feel most alive. - Fennel Hudson.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Rainy week means naps and squeaks

It is mid-May here and we have been seeing and hearing a lot of rain.

This gives us the perfect opportunity to nap!

What do you do when it rains multiple days in a row? Do you hunker down or do you still go out and about?

We are indoor cats, so we do not go out, but we do miss sunpuddling.

I tried to play hide and seek - but apparently, I am not very good at it:

Mamma likes to watch Hallmark movies. Pasqua is always very happy when she sits and relaxes, because he likes to, too:  

However, on this particular evening, the Hallmark movie did not keep his interest: 

Mamma is still trying to capture my Verdi deliveries and Pasqua's cute little chirp. She is afraid that I will stop bringing her Verdi, and that Pasqua will grow out of his little voice. Stay tuned, Readers, we may finally allow her to get our adorable behavior and squeaks on video!

Friendly reminder, last day to vote for Pasqua in the NJ Monthly Magazine contest is noon eastern time on the 19th:  NJ Monthly Contest Link to Vote

The voting is open until the 31st for the Catster contest:
Catster’s Purrrific Photo Contest: I Fits, I Sits Link to Vote

Thank you for your support.

Purr & Paw,

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Shameless Plugs

I don't know why Stray Cat and I never made it to finalists in all of the contests mamma has entered us through the years. Low and behold, the first photo contest she enters my new little brother into, he places. Really?

Then! He placed in a second contest she entered us in. What? Do I photograph that poorly? Stray Cat photographed beautifully, and he never placed, so that makes me feel a little bit better.

I am embarrassed to admit, (shhh... please don't tell Pasqua, it will ruin my image), I am very happy to share with you the links to vote for my cute little brother. I know my mamma would be thrilled if he won these fun contests.

Mamma entered Pasqua in NJ Monthly:
NJ Monthly Contest Link to Vote

She also entered him in a contest that Catster is having.
Catster’s Purrrific Photo Contest: I Fits, I Sits Link to Vote

Thank you for your love and support if you agree like me that he deserves to win!
I admit he is darn cute! 
Looking down at my kingdom. 
Happy Mother's Day to all you mom-readers-out there - and to all those dads who take on the mom role, too. 💮

Purr & Paw,

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hello May!

Since Pasqua Scheggiare has never been outside, Mamma bought him a leash. I don't like mine so I never go for walks with her in the springtime. She hoped to teach the kitten at an early enough age that he would appreciate it. However, Pasqua did not care for the idea either, and he never left the porch:

While Mamma worked at the dining room table, Pasqua kept her company on top of her back pack. This is something both Stray Cat and I have done before. She should really consider buying us a soft leather cat-bed: 

For good measure, although, an uneven measure, I offer you one photo of me from this week. I fell asleep under a blanket on the recliner. The blankets are placed on top of human furniture to catch all of the cat hair we shed. Mamma has not yet learned that her attempts are totally futile, and that we appreciate blankets to use for hiding. That is why they must really be there: 

Here's hoping May does for our hearts what it does for the flowers outside. ❤

Purr & Paw,