Sunday, July 22, 2018

Why I like Sundays.

Why I like Sundays. By me, Stivali.

Every Sunday my ma washes the bed sheets and I get to help her make the bed. It is so much fun!
 I play "parachute" like an eight year old at summer camp. It is so much fun!
And one of the best parts of Sunday is that I get to sit in a drawer that is only opened once a week - on Sundays! It is the bed sheet drawer attached to our bed.  It is so comfy and roomy, and I wish ma would keep it open all of the time. Alas, she opens it only once a week, and I jump in! It is so much fun! This is why I like Sundays. 

"Sundays are good, Mamma" - said Stray Cat on July 22, 2012.  6 years ago, he was healthy, happy, and a little chubby!

What's your favorite day of the week? Does your cat help you make the bed?
Purr & Paw.