Sunday, November 8, 2020

Greek Mythology

When mamma was attending university, she really enjoyed learning mythology. One of the myths which keeps coming to her mind this week is the story of Cassandra.

Us cats enjoy hearing her ramble on, and on occasion her rambles turn in to great fodder for my blog here.

The King of Troy's daughter, Cassandra was cursed by the god Apollo when she refused his romantic advances. The curse was a gift with a cruel twist - prophecy with the guarantee that no one would ever believe her predictions (despite her always being right). 

One of the consequences of no one listening to her was the fall of Troy.

If you ever read a story or heard someone call another person claiming impending doom a "Cassandra" now you know why.

We all have our own thoughts, our own beliefs. They are influenced by our individual experience, our upbringing, and the conditions of which we live. We each read different news articles and watch different news broadcasts. It is crucial during this tumultuous time to educate ourselves in order to distinguish between what is opinion versus fact. 

Equally important - being kind to people who have different beliefs than us. 

Happy Sunday, Everyone, stay well.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾 
We are both disturbed and fascinated by visions of bleak futures, predictions of what might come if we as a society aren't careful. - Marie Lu.