Sunday, May 17, 2020

Thoughts on taking a feral to a vet

We hope you all enjoyed your week, Readers.

We have been happily greeted by the little grey stray cat we call Grigio twice daily consistently for a while now. We want desperately to get him to a vet to have him checked out but no matter how much food we have given him, he does not yet trust us enough to come inside or let us touch him. He is a huge fan of hissing at us.

Now, he arrived with what appears to be a scratch on his cheek, which is swollen and most likely infected. More than ever, we want to try to trap him and get him to a doctor to be taken care of. 

What do you think?

We have left a message with our Doctor in hopes to getting some advice. Pray for Grigio and us so that we can get him the help he needs.

Thank you.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties. - Walter Lionel George.