Sunday, September 1, 2019

Mamma's Day!

We are so excited to announce that our mamma's birthday was this week and she is healthy, happy, and one year older! 😺 We celebrate all month long - but now that August is done, we have to welcome September and say "Ciao" to the August birthday-month. 

She received the most amazing birthday card. The envelope was addressed to "Mamma". She instinctively knew that someone special made her a card from us!
A Happy Birthday wish from the cats!
And all the kiddies were represented. Me, and Kismet, and Stray Cat, and Pasqua Bunny:
And on the back, even our little feral Grigio was represented:  
Isn't this the most amazing and thoughtful card you have ever seen? 🐱 We give huge kudos, purrs, and pets to our beautiful Aunt Josie who is a talented artist and as you can plainly see - extremely creative. We love her! 😻 Thank you, Aunt Josie, for going to Hallmark for us and for making sure our mamma knew we did not forget her special day.

We hope all of you enjoy the start of your September with a celebration day of your own: a day off from your work, chores, and responsibilities. Tomorrow is Labor Day, a celebration created by the labor movement, dedicated to the achievements of American workers. May it remind all of us to have strength, to be prosperous, and respect the well-being of our country.

Thank you for all you do to make America great!
Purr & Paw,

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey.