Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pasqua is 11 months old!

Happy Sunday! 

Yesterday marked ELEVEN months since Pasqua was born! 

We are not sure where he was born, or who his kitty parents are, we really don't even know much about how he ended up at Tabby's Place Cat Sanctuary. All we do know is mamma met him and he stole her heart right away! 

Our foster adventure began on November 21, 2018. Little "Chip", as the shelter named him, weighed under two pounds and was a fuzzball of energy.

Look at him now though! He thoroughly enjoys napping anywhere. Case in point #1:

Case in Point #2
We are very happy he liked our home (and us) so mamma felt comfortable at being a foster fail, haha, and adopted him officially a month later.  It has been an exciting nine months with him, and we look forward to many many more.

Can't you tell how excited I am to celebrate Pasqua turning 11 months? 
Maybe I will celebrate without napping at his one year mark.
Being a Princess is very hard work. Sunpuddles make it easier.
I wonder how we will celebrate Pasqua's first birthday next month... I hope it includes catnip cake and salmon kitty treats. 😻

Purr & Paw,

Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.