Saturday, January 12, 2019


Twelve days in to the new year, and we aren't about declaring a 2019 resolution, as we were taught a long time ago you can begin a new resolution each day. A new year just reminds us that each day is new and you can start over fresh. Peace in the present. Sadness in the past. Anxiety if only thinking about the future.
Each day, I resolve, I will be nicer to Pasqua.
Mamma bought "Safe Space" essence by Jackson Galaxy. Twelve days in of use, and I am not feeling yet that my space is indeed "safe".
I am unpredictable. Moody.
Some days, I can sit in the same area with Pasqua, and our world is fine. Other days, he wants to play, and I don't want any part of it so I hiss and growl, and chase. Pasqua thinks the chasing is play. Sometimes, I let it become that, other days, I just get irritated.
I am unpredictable. Moody.
I want to be nice to Pasqua, but sometimes, it is hard to share my home and my mom.
Sharing space.
Eating together.
Sharing a chair.
Unsure of a new world.
I don't want to always be nice. Sorry.
Humans can learn a lot from animals. How the world is just the world. To be present. Look out a window and see it.
Resolve to stay happy. Each time you tear a day off a calendar, you get a new day. Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. 😺

Purr & Paw,