Sunday, July 12, 2020

In memory of Pixie

Remember ma sponsored a kitty at Tabby's Place after Stray Cat passed away?

We are sad to report that she has passed away. Tabby's wrote a beautiful blog in her honor if you want to read it:

Her start in life was a rough one. She was shot with a pellet gun which caused her hind legs paralysis. She persevered in the face of adversity. She was joyful, playful, and beautiful. She lived for a few years at the sanctuary, and was adopted last spring. She only had five years on this planet, and she touched so many people and cats - we all have learned from her courage, and strength.

Pixie inspires me to be nicer to everyone. Humans do not think I am the friendliest cat. Maybe it has to do with my start in life. My mamma's friend found me as a tiny kitten in the parking lot of a mall. Thank God she found me, because it was scary there.

I think our start in life has a huge impact on who we become and how we see the world. It is believed that the personality of a cat is based on the specific breed and the manner in which they are raised.

Now, mamma raised me spoiled and loved, yet most humans who meet me call me a scaredy-cat because I am timid and shy. Other humans just call me mean. I assure you, I am not mean - I am friendly, affectionate, and vocal to mamma only. Perhaps, my reserved behaviour is because I was introduced to the world with loud noises, lots of feet, and many automobiles. Something to think about.

Each time we lose a loved one, we honour their memory by emulating their best attributes. We honour Pixie today, and send up love, purrs, and cuddles to all of you.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

You don't have to have a great start in life to have a great attitude towards the future!