Sunday, March 29, 2020

Maneuvering through your new normal.

Hello Readers,

Status check: How are all of you feeling? How are all of your loved ones coping during these tumultuous times? 

If you need assistance navigating through this "new normal" don't be afraid to ask for help. You have lots of support in your friends, family, colleagues, and there are many resources to help all of us.

Try not to feel helpless as you are self quarantined. The uncertainty of the future can be daunting, but we can use this time to be grateful for what we do have. Even if the world seems "closed" there is still plenty to do outside like taking a meditative walk or gardening - and inside, be sure you are getting plenty of exercise and drinking a lot of water.

What activities are you doing at home to keep your spirits up? 

Try to use this time as much needed me-time - have a home spa day, and treat yourself to some pampering. Learn a language online or how to play an instrument, with all of the tutorials available on YouTube, you will keep busy while keeping your brain active and focused on something other than the news. 

This is also a perfect time to overhaul the home with a deep spring cleaning, or de-cluttering and donating items you are not using anymore. 

Lots of museums, galleries, and zoos are offering free streaming services  - check out for some ideas. 

We are eating and napping as per usual, and happy that Grigio is still visiting us daily and reminding us what we are grateful for: warm home, electricity, running water, plenty of food, friends, and family. 

Stay safe, Readers.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

The way to bring about change is to be proactive and active. - Octavia Spencer

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hunkered down and protecting our world.

It is quite a beautiful thing when you think about it.

We, globally, are going through something pretty horrific.

But, we can come together (in our actions - not in person!) and our actions of hunkering down, staying in, and being diligently social distancing from others will protect people we have never even met. 

It is quite a beautiful thing when you think about it.

Here, we provide photos of us being beautiful. We can teach you how to nap, how to hunker down, and stay safe inside.

Our prayers and thoughts are with everyone impacted by the virus. Stay safe.

💗 -Stivali & Pasqua. 🐾

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Cleaning with pet safety in mind.

Happy Saturday, Friends, 

I know a lot of you are expressing concerns about the most recent virus in our world. You are probably doing your spring cleaning a little early this year, and doing a more thorough approach to it to ward off germs. 

Don't forget your pets during this cleaning process, and check your cleaning supplies for any warning about using them with pets. 

Natural cleaning alternatives like vinegar and lemon are the safest bet when cleaning areas that pets touch.  Here are some articles that may be of interest to you: 

May peace and good health be with you and those you love. 

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Cover Girl

Happy March, Dear Readers!

We are very excited that we were selected to be part of a Girls' Scout Calendar. Behold March:

A Girl Scout was creating a calendar and sought photos of cats. The proceeds from the sale of the calendar would benefit a TNR program. Mamma submitted multiple photos of Pasqua and I, and to our pure delight, we were both selected to be part of the calendar.

How cool is that? And for a wonderful cause! 

I make a beautiful cover girl, don't you agree? 

We had a wonderful week here - very cold outside, which makes us overly concerned about our sweet Grigio. He refuses to allow us to approach him, and he won't come inside our warm home. Happily, he uses a heated pad on our deck - and just stares at us: 

He is a very silly cat, and we hope one day he will realize the happy home inside. There are lots of things to play with, and lots of places to hide, too. Maybe one day. We remain hopeful. 

May your March be filled with sunshine and happiness.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

In March the soft rains continued, and each storm waited courteously until its predecessor sunk beneath the ground. - John Steinbeck.