Sunday, November 15, 2020

No Complaints November

November is the month of being thankful. Many of our readers are declaring each day something they are thankful for. In my opinion, November should not be the only month dedicated to gratitude, every month should be. 😽

Our Ma has been calling this November, "No Complaints November" and each day is replacing complaints with blessings. She says if she does it for the entire month, she will have created a new habit, and broken an unhealthy one - complaining. 😸

Truth be told - one thing she never could complain about is us! 😺

November is Native American Heritage Month and the National Park Service has a terrific website to share the history and culture of America's indigenous people. Learn more here: Native American Heritage Month 

We are sincerely grateful for all the original inhabitants of America. There are so many cultures in this country, and we have a rich history and heritage, truly making this land beautiful. 

Have a wonderful week, Readers. 

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾