Sunday, January 12, 2020

Cat Story

A long long time ago, our mamma penned a children's picture book inspired by her orange tabby, Kismet. It has taken on many renditions over the past decade - rewrite rewrite rewrite - as she seeks a literary agent to represent her and a publisher to publish it.

She has many stories written for it - making it a picture book series. This is in addition to all her other works she has written and others she is working on.

There are many stories about cats, and we are hopeful that hers will be published one day for the world to enjoy. 
™© suntawrites
There's a lot of lost work out there, or forgotten work, and we don't want that to happen to Kismet's story.

For instance, the author famous for The Grapes of Wrath, wrote a cat story in the 50s that was published in French. The Smithsonian reports that for the first time it has been published in English (through purchase of a magazine, check it out here:

© Jeffrey McKeever
Steinbeck's The Amiable Fleas is a lighthearted short story about the friendship between a chef and his cat (depicted above). It inspires us to keep encouraging mamma to work at her craft, to try to get published, and to remember that the loyalty 'n love between human 'n cat is a story worth writing and reading! 

Inspire one another! 
-Stivali. 🐾

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” - Louis L’Amour.