Sunday, October 6, 2019

It's October!

Happy October, Everyone! 
Pasqua giving his most ferocious yawn!
Originally, October was the eighth month of the Roman calendar, hence why it starts with the Latin word for "eight" - octo. When January and February were added to the calendar, October's name remained the same despite now being the tenth month.

The leaves on the trees here have already changed to brown, orange, and yellow - and typically of fall, they are falling off the trees already. Giving Pasqua and I lots to look out from our many windows. 

If you enjoy Oktoberfests, you can thank the Crown Prince Ludwig, as the festival began because of his Royal Wedding on October 12, 1810 in Bavaria, Germany. The year after his wedding, it was decided to repeat some of the festivities for their anniversary and the Oktoberfest tradition began! 

Another festivity that occurs in October is Halloween! Mamma learned that we can have some Halloween fun, free of candy, by purchasing this haunted cat house at Target! Isn't it magnificent? How fun - it even has cat scratcher floors on both levels. We were truly disappointed that they are sold out. But be on the look out, Readers, as we may get it soon. 😼  

This week, we had daily visits from Grigio. We were very happy to see him.
Can't you tell how excited I am to greet him?

Whatever you do this weekend and week, we hope you are staying warm, and feeling grateful.

Purr & Paw, 🐾

The wind outside nested in each tree, prowled the sidewalks in invisible treads like unseen cats. - Ray Bradbury.