Friday, February 8, 2019

This kitten is staying, and I don't understand why.

I thought this kitten was a temporary thing. I looked up the word foster and I did not think it included the possibility, the most-likely permanency of the plan. 
We are keeping a safe distance while napping.
I move away from him when it becomes too stressful.
He is cute, I will give you that. Mamma couldn't find him (inside the house, we are not permitted outdoors) one day this week, and she searched and searched. She heard a noise and began to follow it.  The little kitten decided to nap inside the empty garbage pail. Ummmm, so maybe he is not the smartest kitten. Or is he? It was empty after all. Weird kitty. 
Recently awoken from a garbage pail nap.
He also has realized the awesomeness of the cat tree.
So that is the week in photos here at our home. We are happy and enjoying our little life. ❤ 

Purr & Paw,