Sunday, June 24, 2018

A little fall of rain...

Mamma's best friend's dog, Buster, crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. We are quite certain that Stray Cat, Zoe, Kismet, Cleo, Kit-Kit, Fizzgig, and Buster's brothers Beau, Rascal, Chance, and George were all at the entry of heaven awaiting his arrival.

No more pain for any of these beautiful animals. Loyal loving companions. Each unique. Each forever loved.

A song from the musical, Les Miserables, plays over and over in Mamma's mind.

She often pretends Stray Cat is singing the lyrics Eponine's character sings... and she, she plays the part of Marius - "You would live one hundred years, if I could show you how..."

It fits for Buster and his dad now, though, and the song; the song is fitting for any of us who watches our loved one pass on into everlasting peace.

In honor of Buster, do something kind today for someone.  Please say a prayer for him in heaven and for his family and friends on earth who are left to mourn this great loss.


Buster and his Dad. ❤


    A Little Fall Of Rain 

Don't you fret, M'sieur Marius
I don't feel any pain
A little fall of rain
Can hardly hurt me now
You're here, that's all I need to know
And you will keep me safe
And you will keep me close
And rain will make the flowers grow.

But you will live, 'Ponine - dear God above,
If I could heal your wounds with words of love.

Just hold me now, and let it be.
Shelter me, comfort me

You would live a hundred years
If I could show you how
I won't desert you now...

The rain can't hurt me now
This rain will wash away what's past
And you will keep me safe
And you will keep me close
I'll sleep in your embrace at last.

The rain that brings you here
Is Heaven-blessed!
The skies begin to clear
And I'm at rest
A breath away from where you are
I've come home from so far
So don't you fret, M'sieur Marius

I don't feel any pain
A little fall of rain
Can hardly hurt me now

That's all I need to know
And you will keep me safe
And you will keep me close

MARIUS(in counterpoint)
Hush-a-bye, dear Eponine,
You won't feel any pain
A little fall of rain
Can hardly hurt you now
I'm here

I will stay with you
Till you are sleeping

And rain...

And rain...

Will make the flowers...

Will make the flowers... grow...

Sunday, June 17, 2018

A note from Stivali, Stray Cat's little sister.

I have been considering delving into this blog thing for a while now.

I am much too lazy to write, nor do I think I have much to say which people would want to read.

However, it did occur to me that I think I am quite adorable, and maybe just a mere photo of me once in a while would make Stray Cat's fans grateful to see a cat - even if they don't believe I am cuter than him. 

Dear Readers, trust me, I am quite cute. 
Evidence of why I haven't written sooner. I like to sleep.

Also, I wanted to share with you a fabulous cat sanctuary in New Jersey.  It is here, that my mother decided to sponsor a special needs cat named Pixie.  She chose this particular kitten for two reasons: 1) she looked like a female version of Stray Cat. 2) the horrific cause of how Pixie became a paraplegic. 

The kitten's backstory tug at my mamma's heart strings (a diabolical teenager shot a pellet gun at Pixie which lodged in her spine causing her to lose the use of her hind legs).

My mamma and Uncle PJ went to meet this sweet cat and of course, quickly fell in love with her.

To learn more about Pixie, click here:

If you are interested in sponsoring or adopting a cat from the sanctuary, or learning more about the organization, click here:

I think that is all I've got in me for today. Thank you for reading.

Purr & Paw,