Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My story isn't over yet.

Thank you, Dear Readers, for your prayers, thoughts, and hopes for my health and overall peace.  They worked. My ma had called the doctor last Monday morning, as you read in the hope hope post. She asked if she could increase my diuretic dosage and the doctor agreed; with guarded monitoring to see after a week how I react to it.

Each day is different. Some days, I don’t breathe heavy, and I am cooing and purring like my ma is used to. Other days, I do breathe heavy, I am lethargic, and want to be left alone. No purring.  This is upsetting to mamma. She said, though, that each day is a gift, and so it is. She loves on me and loves on me each day we are together.

I am a blessed cat.

Are you familiar with the beautiful song, “Never Been a Moment” by Micah Tyler? If you do not know it, I encourage you to listen to it – it is such a beautiful song. My mamma changes the lyrics a little bit and sings it to me, as if the song was written about me. She is so funny!

I think, though, if I had a singing voice that wasn’t equipped with just chirps and trills I would sing it to her. Of course, changing her kitty lyrics to human ones. She is a good human. Here is her version of the song she sings to me:
♬"You were lost, but somehow you were found.
There's been some pain, been some regret, been some moments I'll never forget.
But when I look back from where I'm standing now, I know -
There's never been a moment I was not held inside your arms.
And there's never been a day when you were not who you say you are.
Yours forever, it don't matter what I'm walking through, ‘cause no matter where I'm going, there's never been a moment that I was not loved by you.
Loved by you.
Loved by you.
You've been my rock, you've been my peace, always showing your good heart to me.
My days are marked by grace I don't deserve, no, you've been the kitty who is always ready to play. You've been the light that has led my way. No matter where I am, there you are!
There's never been a moment I was not held inside your arms.
And there's never been a day when you were not who you say you are.
Yours forever, it don't matter what I'm walking through, ‘cause no matter where I'm going, there's never been a moment that I was not loved by you.
Loved by you.
Loved by you.
So where could you go that you could wander from my sight?  Where would I run and never leave behind your all consuming, heart pursuing, grace extending, never ending love. Stray Cat’s love! 
There's never been a moment I was not held inside your arms. And there's never been a day when you were not who you say you are. Yours forever, it don't matter what I'm walking through, ‘cause no matter where I'm going, there's never been a moment that I was not loved by you.
Loved by you.
Loved by you."🎶
It is true. She is mine forever. I am hers forever, and it doesn’t matter where I am or where she is – there was never a moment I was not loved by her – nor a moment where she was not loved by me.  This is true. 
Hug tight those you love, Dear Readers!