Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cats and Coronavirus

I am sure you all have read by now that two house cats in New York tested positive for Coronavirus. If you are familiar with FIP in house cats, then you know how scary this is for us beloved animals.

CDC recommends to treat pets as you would any other human family members – do not let us interact with people or other animals outside of our household. If a person inside your household becomes sick, isolate them from everyone else, including pets. Read more here: 

It is vital at this time to not succumb to fear. Please don't drop your beloved pet off at a shelter or abandon them in a park somewhere. Please keep loving us. We need it just as you do during this challenging time.

Don't be discouraged, don't fall apart, keep moving forward and thanking God that He is fighting our battles.

If you are interested in learning more about FIP - here is information from WebMD:

Pasqua says "Hang in there!"

Healing is coming, trust that. Choose faith over fear. Stay strong and safe.

We are thinking of all of you, and praying for your health.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. - Eleanor Roosevelt.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Two Words

Hello Readers,

This week, my ma's boss opened up a team meeting by asking the following questions:
  • What one word would you use to describe how you are feeling today?
  • What's one word to describe what you are grateful for today? 

We would like to do this exercise with all of you. If you feel shy and don't want to add it to the comments, just marinade on it, and think about it for your self. 
  • How are you feeling today?
  • What is one thing you are grateful for today?

We three will go first:
  • Today we feel optimistic.
  • We are grateful our health.

With the chaos of today's uncertain world, reflecting and sharing our feelings is more important than ever. Connecting with one another will help us stay mentally strong as we adjust to new realities and grieve the loss of our old realities.

Most of us are simply trying to manage our daily lives taking care of our children, parents, work, finances, and learning a new way to live. All the stress we feel related to COVID-19 can transcend to negative feelings like depression and anxiety. This collective trauma that we are all experiencing may feel bleak, but we must stay mentally strong during it. 

We've all read the basics on how to do this - create daily habits, exercise, eat healthy, and connect with our social support system using video calls and social media.

Researches pose the following to stay mentally strong:
  • limit news, media exposure, and toxic people
  • accept your feelings
  • focus on facts
  • focus on self-compassion, self-care, and identify your needs

What would you add to the list? How are you staying mentally strong during this? 

Please take good care, and we hope all is well with you and your loved ones. 

Purrs & Paws.
-Stivali & Pasqua. 🐾🐾

The strength of your mind determines the quality of your life. - Edmond Mbiaka.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

We help each other through...

Good Day, Readers,

During this challenging time, we send blessings of hope, encouragement, and good health.

Pasqua and I are well aware of the benefits we have for health and happiness to our humans.  It is well-documented that having a pet reduces loneliness and anxiety, provides daily structure, and gives a purpose - a happy one.

If you don't have a pet, we provide photos of us and our outdoor friends to cheer you:

What is really cool, is  that one day we had someone other than Grigio come to visit us.


Random doe eyed kitten:

What a beaut, right?

ASPCA offers the following to help us protect our pets: 

We wish you peace, health, and safety this holy week - regardless if you celebrate - we wish you, still, a celebration of rebirth and renewal. In our Christian faith, Jesus celebrated a Passover meal with his disciples the day before his crucifixion, what we call Holy Thursday. Passover commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.

Peace be with you and with those you love.

Purr & Paw,
-Stivali. 🐾

(Pasqua, named after Easter, really wanted to write this blog post. I feel he is getting too much attention as it is - maybe next time, Little Brother!)