Sunday, August 25, 2019

New Jersey's Cutest Cat - to us! :)

Well, the votes are in... and we still say we win.

According to New Jersey Monthly's cutest cat contest, the winner is "Berry" - seen below:

We appreciate them sending us this adorable mock-cover of Pasqua winning the contest, because to us, he is the winner:  
We had a wonderful week despite the disappointment of finding out we did not win the contest. We napped, we played, we watched birds and deer outside. We had multiple visits from Grigio, and enjoyed watching him, too.

We thank all of you who voted for Pasqua and supported us in our endeavor. Here's to another great week ahead for all of us and all of you. 🐱

Purr & Paw,

You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing. -
Arthur Ashe.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pasqua is 11 months old!

Happy Sunday! 

Yesterday marked ELEVEN months since Pasqua was born! 

We are not sure where he was born, or who his kitty parents are, we really don't even know much about how he ended up at Tabby's Place Cat Sanctuary. All we do know is mamma met him and he stole her heart right away! 

Our foster adventure began on November 21, 2018. Little "Chip", as the shelter named him, weighed under two pounds and was a fuzzball of energy.

Look at him now though! He thoroughly enjoys napping anywhere. Case in point #1:

Case in Point #2
We are very happy he liked our home (and us) so mamma felt comfortable at being a foster fail, haha, and adopted him officially a month later.  It has been an exciting nine months with him, and we look forward to many many more.

Can't you tell how excited I am to celebrate Pasqua turning 11 months? 
Maybe I will celebrate without napping at his one year mark.
Being a Princess is very hard work. Sunpuddles make it easier.
I wonder how we will celebrate Pasqua's first birthday next month... I hope it includes catnip cake and salmon kitty treats. 😻

Purr & Paw,

Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Today, I am pressuring my mamma and Pasqua to rename the stray kitten we have been feeding. I do not like that Pasqua's mouse toy and the stray kitten have the same name: Grigio.

They are not liking my idea, but I think a better name for the kitten is "Grimalkin" - what do you think?

A greymalkin is an archaic term for a cat, stemming from the colour, "grey" + "malkin", an old term  meaning: cat, a low class woman, a weakling, or a form of the female name Maud. By the 1630s, "graymalkin" had been altered to the modern spelling "grimalkin".

For avid readers, not of just my blog 😉, you may recall the term used in both Nathanial Hawthorne's, House of the Seven Gables or Shakespeare's. MacBeth. Or perhaps you are familiar with the character of the same name in Joseph Delaney's books. 

I think it is a great name for a grey cat, wouldn't you agree? I realize, however, doing this would change our Italian family Italian name theme. Hmmm...
Pasqua is unamused with the idea of the name he suggested for the stray kitten being altered.
We have had a raccoon sighting as of late - maybe he can go by "Grimalkin" - he is awfully cute, wouldn't you agree? But we are nervous that he is hanging around, as we don't want him to hurt our little feral kitten. Pray hard, Readers, that all of the wildlife get along around here! Thank you.

Interesting tid-bit: the French prophet and astrologer, Nostradamus, supposedly had a cat named Grimalkin.
Just hanging in our cat tree together. ❤
We sure hope you enjoyed your week and weekend, and that your week ahead is wonderful.

Purr & Paw,

When our actions do not/Our fears do make us traitors. - Act 4, Scene 2, MacBeth.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Happy August

Happy August, Readers,

August is one of our favorite months around here. We celebrate mamma all month long since she was born on the very last day of the month!

Also in August, we celebrate our friends: Jeff, Corinne, Ryan, Lisa Marie, Dan, Elaine, Bob, Peter, and our cousin, Michaella. :) If you were born in August - we also celebrate YOU! 🎂
Happy Birthday, Everyone!

We also honor mamma's orange tabby, Kismet, and her German Shepherd, Zoe, who both passed away in August of 2009. Pasqua and I never met either of them but mamma often speaks about them and shares stories of all the funny things they did when they were with her on earth. ❤

This week, I began waking mamma up before her alarm and would ask for cuddles. This makes her very happy, and I hope it reminds her of Kismet and Stray Cat - her two sweet boys who used to offer morning cuddles often.

Did you know that originally, August was called Sextilis? Before January and February were added to the Roman Calendar, August was the sixth month of the year, hence its original name. But when it became the eighth month of the year, it was later renamed in honor of the first emperor of Rome, Caesar Augustus, to Augustus. Isn't that interesting to know?

Most nights this week our Grigio (grey kitty) has come to the door for food but still won't let mamma approach. We are hopeful he will learn to trust us soon.

Yes, Pasqua named the feral kitten the same name as his favorite toy - the grey mouse. He insisted on naming the kitten "Grey" too.😍

No blog post is complete without pictures of us from this week:

We are very happy kitties indeed, not to mention utterly adorable, too.

Enjoy your week, Everyone!

Purr & Paw,

August - it's like the Sunday of summer.